In an effort to showcase the versatility of Kevin Durant on and off the court, Nike tasked us with the creation of themes for particular colorways of the KD9 that aligned with his personal interests.
We also had the opportunity to develop a brand identity for the KD9 that spoke to the themes of versatility, multi-dimension and depth. Layers, slices, and angles were used as inspiration to showcase said themes.
KD9 Limited-Edition Boxes
We created 4 themed packs that were to be produced in limited run for targeted influencers and select Nike+ members. The packs consisted of a custom-edition KD9 shoebox, t-shirt, and a Nike-branded collectible that spoke to KD's interests in music, photography, film directing, and cuisine.
Focusing on KD's love for different genres of music, we parodied several styles of album art that were turned into vines for @NikeBasketball on Twitter.